The value
The worth
It’s a doggone shame
That such a nice boy
like you
Has to have such a life
that a life.
What, a life?
What’s a life.
“A life is what you make of it.”
And I’ll take every bit
And I’ll add up all the days
and I’ll get down on my knees
And I’ll beg for just one more.
One more square on the calendar
One more sunset
One more day at the beach
One more chess game
One more time making love
One more baseball game
One more morning newspaper
One more spin of
that recording that says
“Warm –motion -life.
Dancing means
that I’m alive
and I can hear,
I can swear
and I can sweat
and breathe
and I can see
and I am me
and I can tell what
I feel because I can be.
James E. Slotnick, 1982